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24–25 August 2018: Font Mastering with Bernd Volmer in Moscow


Professional font producer and type designer Bernd Volmer (Monotype) will hold a two-day workshop on font mastering in Moscow.

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Шрифтовой мастеринг с Bernd Volmer

  • When?

    Даты: 24—25 августа (6 часов в день)

  • Who?

    Бернд Волмер получил степень бакалавра в ArtEZ в Арнеме и магистра на курсе Type and Media в Королевской академии искусств в Гааге. Сейчас Бернд работает шрифтовым инженером в Monotype в Берлине.
    Блог: http://www.blog.berndvolmer.com
    Сайт: http://berndvolmer.com

  • Where?

    Место проведения: Галерея «Промграфика», Глинищевский переулок 5/7, подъезд 6
    (м. Охотный ряд, Пушкинская, Тверская, Чеховская)

  • How much?

    Стоимость обучения: 20,000 рублей

  • For whom?
  • Prerequisites

    Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links

    All infos and registration on typedesignworkshop.org

Бернд Волмер расскажет и ответит на все вопросы касающиеся предпродажной подготовки шрифтовых файлов, того что по-английски называется «mastering». Речь будет идти о работе в программах Glyphs, Fontlab и Font Tools. Кроме этого Бернд расскажет про вариативные шрифты и о своём опыте работы с ними, в том числе на примере фирменного шрифта последнего Typo Labs в Берлине.

19–20 May 2018: Introduction to Type Design with María Ramos


Speak Galician? Interested in type? Then spend a weekend getting started in type design with master type designer María Ramos! Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Workshop: Deseño de Tipografía

  • When?

    19 e 20 de maio de 2018,
    de 10h a 14h e de 16h a 20h

  • Who?

    María Ramos

  • Where?

    Escola Unitaria
    Calzada de San Pedro S/N
    15703 Compostela

  • How much?

    Cuota de inscrición: 150 €

  • For whom?

    Calquera persoa interesada no deseño de tipografías. É especialmente interesante para deseñadores, ilustradores e outros profesionais ou afecionados ao deseño dixital. É recomendable, aínda que non imprescindible, ter certas nocións de debuxo vectorial. N.º de prazas: 12

  • Prerequisites

    Nivel: Iniciación. Ordenador portátil. Traballaremos co programa de deseño de tipografías Glyphs, podes descargar a versión de proba. (Material incluído no obradoiro: papel, regras milimetradas, lapis e outros materias para debuxar.)

  • Links

    Workshop info

Curso intensivo no que adquirirás as nocións básicas para empezar a deseñar as túas propias tipografías. Inspirándonos en referencias históricas, trasladaremos os nosos bosquexos ao formato dixital.

Día 1
– Teoría 1: Introducción ao deseño de tipografías e terminoloxía.
– Práctica 1: Ánalise e selección de referencias, teremos mostras impresas de referencias históricas e publicacións de consulta. Os asistentes poderán traer as súas propias referencias se así o desexan.
– Práctica 2: Dividiremos a clase en grupos de traballo e definiremos os conceptos e características que definirán cada unha das tipografías.
– Práctica 3: Bosquexo de caracteres.
– Práctica 4: Ánalise e posta en común dos bosquexos.
– Teoría 2: Deseño vectorial en tipografía.
– Práctica 5: Dixitalización dos primeiros caracteres.

Día 2
– Teoría 3: Ferramentas e uso do software de deseño de tipografías Glyphs.
– Práctica 6: Traballo en equipo para a posta en común do deseño.
– Práctica 7: Elaboración dunha pequena mostra dos proxectos.
– Práctica 8: Presentación e análise comentada dos proxectos.
– Teoría 4: A tipografía hoxe.

18–27 July 2018: Type Design Workshop in Moscow


Get started with one and a half weeks of intensive type design in Moscow with master designers such as Maria Doreuli, Irina Smirnova, Alexander Tarbeev, and many others!

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Шрифтовая Мастерская

  • When?

    18 – 27 July 2018 (except 22 July)

  • Who?

    Преподаватели: Александр Тарбеев, Мария Дореули, Елена Новосёлова, Ирина Смирнова, Лиза Рассказова, Никита Сапожков

  • Where?
  • How much?

    Стоимость обучения: ₽45,000

    (* Традиционно у нас есть бесплатное студенческое место. Как его получить? Нарисуйте своё имя, сфотографируйтесь с ним и присылайте на info@typedesignworkshop.org до 30 июня. Победителя назовём 4 июля.)

  • For whom?

    Размер группы: до 12 человек

    Курс рассчитан на начальный уровень, специальной подготовки в области шрифта не требуется. Нам важно, чтобы было базовое образование в сфере графического дизайна и/или хоть какой-то опыт работы в данной области. Как правило среди участников всегда есть более опытные и менее опытные и в процессе это оказывается очень интересным. К нам приходят учиться из разных областей—графические дизайнеры, архитекторы, каллиграфы, веб-дизайнеры и дизайнеры UX/UI. Опыт рисования от руки не обязателен.

  • Prerequisites

    Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links

Данный курс предназначен прежде всего для дизайнеров, которые хотят увереннее работать с буквами. Наша задача—научить вас видеть логические связи, не смотреть на буквы по отдельности, а думать о них как о части целого, слова, фразы, текста. Будет много скетчей, много поиска и очень много работы. Ведь дней всего восемь, а успеть научиться нужно многому. Конечно, за восемь дней вы не станете шрифтовыми дизайнерами, но мы уверены, что данный курс станет новой ступенью в вашем развитии.

Стандартное расписание:
11:30–12:00 Обсуждение и просмотр книг из нашей библиотеки
12:00–13:25 Лекционная часть
13:25–13:35 Кофе, чай
13:35–15:00 Практическая часть
15:00–16:00 Обед
16:00–17:25 Лекционная часть
17:25–17:35 Кофе, чай
17:35–19:00 Практическая часть
19:00–19:30 Неформальное общение
19:30–22:00 Самостоятельная работа

6–7 October 2018: London Type Jam 2018 at Dalton Maag


Type Jam is a fun event for people of all skill levels. We’re hoping to bring together two communities: those who make typography (e.g. letterers, type designers, font engineers), and those who use typography (e.g. graphic designers, product designers, etc.). Make fonts, make friends, have fun!

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount. And… the winning team will receive Glyphs licenses, and the runners-up Glyph Mini licenses!

Type Jam London 2018

  • When?

    Sat 6 Oct & Sun 7 Oct 2018

  • Who?
  • Where?

    Dalton Maag
    9th Floor, Blue Star House
    234-240 Stockwell Rd
    Brixton, London SW9 9SP

  • How much?

    GBP 27.54

  • For whom?

    Experience: optional
    Beginners and pros

  • Prerequisites

    Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links

    Type Jam

Type Jam is an opportunity for both novices and experts to experience and explore different disciplines and methods for creating beautiful type in a very constrained time period.

We created Type Jam to make it easier for people without traditional type design experience to start designing fonts. By mixing both amateurs and pros in a room together for 48 hours, some amazing things can happen!

Whether you're a graphic designer, letterer, muralist, engineer, unemployed, Type Jam can get you one step closer to creating your very first font!

For you pros out there, Type Jam can also be a place to experiment with new techniques, styles, Python scripting, while mentoring people new to the craft.

1–8 September 2018: 16th TypeClinic


Once again, one of the world’s best low-cost one-week type design workshops will take place in the mountains of Slovenia, this time mentored by pro designer Franziska Weitgruber (Typejockeys).

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

TypeClinic #16

  • When?

    1–8 September, 2018

    Start meeting at Pri Plajerju at 14:00 on 1 September.

  • Who?

    Visiting mentor: Franziska Weitgruber (Typejockeys)
    Tomato Košir

  • Where?

    Educational Centre
    Trenta 31, Trenta, Slovenia

  • How much?

    EUR 380, which covers basically everything: mentorship, sleeping and eating arrangement & prints.

    You should just bring your computer, your own sleeping sheets, slippers and if possible your own electricity cord. You can get sheets in Trenta, but that is 30 Euros extra.

  • For whom?

    15 participants max

    There is no admission process, just send us what you intend to do (the problem you will be trying to solve) at the workshop.

  • Prerequisites

    Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links

international type design workshop, organised every February and September in Triglav national park, Trenta, Slovenia (EU).

Our workshops deal with bodytext and display typefaces for print and digital usage.

11 September 2018: Glyphs at ATypI 2018


Meet us at ATypI 2018 in the city of Rubens, the beautiful Belgian town of Antwerp! We will be on and around the premises for the complete conference, and hold a workshop on the first day, and a small presentation on the second day. See you there!

Workshop: Producing TT-based Webfonts in Glyphs

  • When?

    Tuesday, 11 September 2018
    Time: t.b.a.
    Half-day workshop (3 hours)

  • Who?

    Rainer Scheichelbauer
    Georg Seifert

  • Where?


  • How much?

    EUR 50 (half-day workshop participation fee)

  • For whom?
  • Prerequisites

    Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links

    ATypI 2018 Workshops

Many designers still rely on third parties for TT and webfont production. This workshop shows how easy it is to take control of this issue, and empowers designers so they can take more production matters in their own hands.

Lecture: The German Sharp S

Opinions can differ greatly among type designers and typographers when it comes to decisions about letter shapes. One of the most contested letters in that respect is the German sharp S, even more so its cap variant, and even more so among native speakers of German. Recent publications such as Hermann Schmidt Verlag’s ‘niße’ book, the addition of the cap sharp S to Unicode and most recently also to official German orthography, show that there is ample need for discussion. In this double presentation, an opinionated Swiss and an opinionated Austrian will discuss this letter, possible and not so possible shapes, good and bad design decisions, and will probably fail at the attempt of settling all questions once and for all.

19–20 October 2018: Start Your Own Font at Wei sraum


Glyphs member Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer will host two intensive workshop days at the Wei sraum in Innsbruck, Austria, to get your first font project started.

Workshop: ‘Start your own Font – mit Glyphs’

  • When?

    FR / 19.10.2018 / 09:00 – 18:00
    SA / 20.10.2018 / 09:00 – 18:00

  • Who?

    Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer

  • Where?

    Wei sraum
    Andreas-Hofer-Straße 27
    6020 Innsbruck

  • How much?

    EUR 290

    Wir vergeben je Workshop einen Stipendiumsplatz an SchülerInnen oder Studierende. Zur Bewerbung notwendig: kurzes Motivationsschreiben, kleines Portfolio (Arbeitsproben) und Lebenslauf an info at weissraum punkt at. Die Vergabe des Stipendiumsplatzes erfolgt nach Ende der Anmeldefrist durch den WEI SRAUM-Vorstand.

  • For whom?
  • Prerequisites

    Mitzubringen: eigenes MacBook ab OS X 10.9.1 mit Glyphs 2 (Demoversion ausreichend); die TeilnehmerInnen können eine ermäßigte Glyphs-Lizenz erwerben.

  • Links

Mit einfachen Kniffen wird der Blick fürs gestalterische und technische Detail geschärft. Buchstaben werden zuerst skizziert dann digitalisiert, alle weiteren Buchstabenformen abgeleitet, Sonderzeichen erzeugt und so die Grundlage für einen kompletten eigenen Font gelegt.

13 October 2018: Type Design for Non-Type Designers at TDC


Go beyond choosing the same fonts from the type menu to creating your own typefaces and become your own type designer. This (always sold out) six-hour workshop will introduce you to the basic skills necessary for the wild journey into the super fun world of type design.

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Workshop: Type Design for Non-Type Designers with Matteo Bologna

  • When?

    October 13, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

  • Who?

    Matteo Bologna

  • Where?

    Type Directors Club
    347 W 36th St Suite 603
    New York, NY 10018 United States

  • How much?

    USD 350 (USD 275 for TDC members)

  • For whom?

    No prior experience is required in font design, but some experience with Bézier-based vector drawing tools is useful.

  • Prerequisites

    Basic Adobe Illustrator skills are necessary. You must bring your own laptop with a full or trial version of the font design program Glyphs already installed (download a free 30-day trial). Sorry no Windows, no Fontlab, no Robofont.

  • Links

This class will teach you the basics of designing and generating a typeface with the font-design software Glyphs (Mac only). In the morning session we will learn the basics of drawing a font, generate the font, and use it in InDesign.

In the afternoon, we will add additional letters to the font, learning how to kern them, add diacritics, and produce the combined letters. At the end of the day, we will not have a finished font, but a respectable start and hopefully you’ll be infected with the type making bug.

24–25 October 2018: Glyphs Variable Font Workshop at Gutenberg 2018


Unique chance: famous Spanish type designer María Ramos is giving a two-day workshop in Madrid, as part of the Gutenberg 2018 convention. Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Diseño de tipografías: nociones básicas y fuentes variables en Glyphs

En este taller adquirirás conocimientos fundamentales para empezar a diseñar tus propias tipografías. Conocerás las herramientas y funciones esenciales para dibujar y gestionar el espacio de trabajo en el software especializado Glyphs. Partiendo de un set de caracteres reducido, crearás también tu primera fuente variable, que podrás poner a prueba en tu navegador.

19–21 September 2018: Type Design Workshops at London Design Festival 2018


Craft in the Digital Age is a series of 6 half-day workshops where you will learn how to build and construct your own typeface from paper, from scratch.

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Craft in the Digital Age: Make your own Typeface

The process will be simple, therapeutic, craft focussed and collaborative. You will gain a deeper understanding of what typeface design is and can be. You will walk away with a tangible result that you can use again and again, as well as the feeling of wanting to do and create more.

The process will be documented and kept by Alexandra Lunn Studio who will then create a collective font from the 3 day period which will then be shared with you for you to use on a Mac, which we will then send out to all participants later in the year as a souvenir and a reminder of the fun of an interactive workshop.

23–30 September 2018: Type to Play 2018


The Campus of Dima Barbanel hosts another week-long typographic workshop. This is a unique chance to learn new techniques for working with form and letters, for acquiring skills in working in a font editor and developing your own font.

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Workshop: Type to Play 2018

  • When?

    23 September — 30 September
    10:00 am – 10:00 pm

  • Who?

    Dima Barbanel
    Vlad Kolomeytsev
    Nick Nedashkovsky

  • Where?

    Desna - Burevestnik, Moscow, Russia, 142793

  • How much?

    EUR 490 with accommodation
    EUR 350 without accommodation

  • For whom?

    No prior experience is required in the typeface design, but some experience with Bézier-based vector drawing tools is useful.

  • Prerequisites

    Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links


During the course, participants will learn how to create modular (using not digital but different plastic rulers or modules from it) and variable fonts, learn how to collect information (make a research) about certain typefaces, trying to go beyond the traditional methods of calligraphy and finally students will create a grocery design from the modules from which they made their typefaces, namely they create chairs from them.


  • modular typeface using analog templates
  • 3D composition design
  • development of typeface from lettering
  • fine calligraphy
  • variable fonts
  • designing a modular chair
  • final exhibition with results

15–19 October 2018: Phnom Penh Type Workshop II


This workshop will take participants through the initial stages of developing a digital font with an emphasis on practical exercises. Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Phnom Penh Type Workshop

  • When?

    15th to 19th October, 2018
    5:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Monday to Friday)

  • Who?

    Ben Mitchell
    Mark Frömberg
    Natalie Rauch
    Tep Sovichet

  • Where?

    Open Institute, Phnom Penh

  • How much?

    Free enrollment and tuition (no support for travel or accommodation)

  • For whom?

    Open to anybody (max 20 participants) from any country. Participants will be selected among applicants. Priority will be given to designers or design students, and particularly to Cambodian professional designers.

  • Prerequisites

    Experience using computers required, but no previous experience on doing typeface design necessary. Students should bring pencils, pens and notepads, laptops with font editing software (a free demonstration version of Glyphs is available).

  • Links

    Workshop announcement at FontPad

Activities will include experimenting with writing tools, developing an individual concept for your typeface, and learning how to digitise and draw letterforms with type design software. No type design experience necessary.

Aim: To give participants a practical understanding of the type design process from initial sketches to digitizing and refining their typefaces.

16 October 2018: Introducción a la programación Python en tipografía


Este workshop tiene como objetivo que los participantes adquieran los conocimientos necesarios para iniciarse en el desarrollo de herramientas que les permitan automatizar tareas y/o extender las funcionalidades del editor de fuentes.

Taller: Introducción a la programación Python en tipografía

  • When?

    Mar 16 oct 2018
    19:00 – 22:00

  • Who?

    Guido Ferreyra (Pampatype)

  • Where?

    Overol Espacio
    Av. Maipú 1284
    Florida, Pcia de Buenos Aires

  • How much?

    $ 500

  • For whom?

    No es necesario tener conocimiento previo de Python u otro lenguaje de programación.

  • Prerequisites
    • Computadora con Glyphs 2 instalado.
    • Drawbot instalado (drawbot.com o Window > Plugin Manager en Glyphs)
    • Un editor de texto instalado (ej. Sublime Text 3)
  • Links

    Tipos Latinos: Agenda

A lo largo del taller se introducirán los conceptos fundamentales sobre el lenguaje de programación Python y posteriormente su aplicación en el desarrollo de scripts y plugins para el editor de fuentes Glyphs.

27–28 October 2018: Font Seed Font Making Workshop


This intensive two day workshop is perfect for designers who want to learn how to make their very first font. Isn’t making fonts hard you ask? Well, do you know Adobe Illustrator? If the answer is yes, then we can teach you how to develop your own custom fonts for clients or your own projects as you expand your design skills by seeing fonts in a totally new way once you’ve created your own.

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Font Making Workshop at Vichcraft

  • When?

    27 and 28 October 2018

  • Who?

    Stuart Sandler & Dathan Boardman (Font Seed and Font Diner)

  • Where?

    Vichcraft, 2138 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60622, USA

  • How much?

    $200 Student
    $240 Professional (Two Day Workshop)

  • For whom?

    Designers who want to learn how to make their first font, max 24 participants.

  • Prerequisites

    Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links

    Font Seed and Font Diner Workshops

Day one: You’ll bring a photographic reference for an all caps font you want to create and the first day will be totally focused on vector letter tracing/drawing basics. On day two, we’ll switch gears and spend the day importing your letters, spacing, kerning and generating your first font!

You’ll leave with a strong foundation how to develop your own typefaces and how to expand on the font you’ve created at this workshop to use as you wish!

24–25 August 2018: Font Mastering with Bernd Volmer in Moscow


Professional font producer and type designer Bernd Volmer will hold a two-day workshop on font mastering in Moscow.

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Шрифтовой мастеринг с Bernd Volmer

  • When?

    Даты: 24—25 августа (6 часов в день)

  • Who?

    Бернд Волмер получил степень бакалавра в ArtEZ в Арнеме и магистра на курсе Type and Media в Королевской академии искусств в Гааге. Сейчас Бернд работает шрифтовым инженером в Берлине.
    Блог: http://www.blog.berndvolmer.com
    Сайт: http://berndvolmer.com

  • Where?

    Место проведения: Галерея «Промграфика», Глинищевский переулок 5/7, подъезд 6
    (м. Охотный ряд, Пушкинская, Тверская, Чеховская)

  • How much?

    Стоимость обучения: 20,000 рублей

  • For whom?
  • Prerequisites

    Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links

    All infos and registration on typedesignworkshop.org

Бернд Волмер расскажет и ответит на все вопросы касающиеся предпродажной подготовки шрифтовых файлов, того что по-английски называется «mastering». Речь будет идти о работе в программах Glyphs, Fontlab и Font Tools. Кроме этого Бернд расскажет про вариативные шрифты и о своём опыте работы с ними, в том числе на примере фирменного шрифта последнего Typo Labs в Берлине.

6–7 October 2018: London Type Jam 2018 at Dalton Maag


Type Jam is a fun event for people of all skill levels. We’re hoping to bring together two communities: those who make typography (e.g. letterers, type designers, font engineers), and those who use typography (e.g. graphic designers, product designers, etc.). Make fonts, make friends, have fun!

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount. And… the winning team will receive Glyphs licenses, and the runners-up Glyph Mini licenses!

Type Jam London 2018

  • When?

    Sat 6 Oct & Sun 7 Oct 2018

  • Who?
  • Where?

    Dalton Maag
    9th Floor, Blue Star House
    234-240 Stockwell Rd
    Brixton, London SW9 9SP

  • How much?

    GBP 27.54

  • For whom?

    Experience: optional
    Beginners and pros

  • Prerequisites

    Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links

    Type Jam

Type Jam is an opportunity for both novices and experts to experience and explore different disciplines and methods for creating beautiful type in a very constrained time period.

We created Type Jam to make it easier for people without traditional type design experience to start designing fonts. By mixing both amateurs and pros in a room together for 48 hours, some amazing things can happen!

Whether you're a graphic designer, letterer, muralist, engineer, unemployed, Type Jam can get you one step closer to creating your very first font!

For you pros out there, Type Jam can also be a place to experiment with new techniques, styles, Python scripting, while mentoring people new to the craft.

16 October 2018: Introducción a la programación Python en tipografía


Este workshop tiene como objetivo que los participantes adquieran los conocimientos necesarios para iniciarse en el desarrollo de herramientas que les permitan automatizar tareas y/o extender las funcionalidades del editor de fuentes.

Taller: Introducción a la programación Python en tipografía

  • When?

    Mar 16 oct 2018
    19:00 – 22:00

  • Who?

    Guido Ferreyra (Pampatype)

  • Where?

    Overol Espacio
    Av. Maipú 1284
    Florida, Pcia de Buenos Aires

  • How much?

    $ 500

  • For whom?

    No es necesario tener conocimiento previo de Python u otro lenguaje de programación.

  • Prerequisites
    • Computadora con Glyphs 2 instalado.
    • Drawbot instalado (drawbot.com o Window > Plugin Manager en Glyphs)
    • Un editor de texto instalado (ej. Sublime Text 3)
  • Links

    Tipos Latinos: Agenda

A lo largo del taller se introducirán los conceptos fundamentales sobre el lenguaje de programación Python y posteriormente su aplicación en el desarrollo de scripts y plugins para el editor de fuentes Glyphs.

27–28 October 2018: Font Seed Font Making Workshop


This intensive two day workshop is perfect for designers who want to learn how to make their very first font. Isn’t making fonts hard you ask? Well, do you know Adobe Illustrator? If the answer is yes, then we can teach you how to develop your own custom fonts for clients or your own projects as you expand your design skills by seeing fonts in a totally new way once you’ve created your own.

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Font Making Workshop at Vichcraft

  • When?

    27 and 28 October 2018

  • Who?

    Stuart Sandler & Dathan Boardman (Font Seed and Font Diner)

  • Where?

    Vichcraft, 2138 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60622, USA

  • How much?

    $200 Student
    $240 Professional (Two Day Workshop)

  • For whom?

    Designers who want to learn how to make their first font, max 24 participants.

  • Prerequisites

    Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links

    Font Seed and Font Diner Workshops

Day one: You’ll bring a photographic reference for an all caps font you want to create and the first day will be totally focused on vector letter tracing/drawing basics. On day two, we’ll switch gears and spend the day importing your letters, spacing, kerning and generating your first font!

You’ll leave with a strong foundation how to develop your own typefaces and how to expand on the font you’ve created at this workshop to use as you wish!

1–3 February 2019: Glyphs Workshop at Type Club 2019


Glyphs master Joana Correia is conducting a three-day introduction to type design. If you are around, do not miss this.

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Workshop: Introduction to Type Design

  • When?

    1–3 February, 2019

  • Who?

    Joana Correia, Nova Type Foundry

  • Where?

    ESMAD-IPP, Vila do Conde

  • How much?
  • For whom?

    Max 10 participants

  • Prerequisites

    No prior experience required. Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links

    All info about Type Club

Interested in type design? This 3-day workshop will get you started with your first font.

7–10 April 2019: Introduction to Arabic Type Design with Nadine Chahine


This will be an introduction to the Arabic script and to type design as well. No previous knowledge of type design or Arabic is required.

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Workshop: Introduction to Arabic Type Design

  • When?

    April 7–10, 2019
    10 a.m.–5 p.m. including 1 hour lunchbreak

  • Who?

    Nadine Chahine

  • Where?

    Cambridge, UK
    Precise location t.b.a.

  • How much?

    GBP 700 (students 20% off)

  • For whom?

    Both practicing type designers who would like to get into Arabic design, and graphic designers interested in exploring Arabic type. The workshop is not open to first or second year design undergraduate students.

  • Prerequisites

    No prior knowledge of type design or Arabic required. A good knowledge of Adobe Illustrator and InDesign is a must. Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 2 preinstalled.

  • Links

    All information and registration

This will be an introduction to the Arabic script and to type design as well. No previous knowledge of type design or Arabic is required, but there will be online reading materials assigned ahead of the workshop. So, if you are a practicing type designer who would like to get into Arabic design, or if you are a graphic designer who is interested in exploring Arabic type design, you are all welcome! The daily schedule will run from 10am to 5pm with a one hour lunch break and will alternate between lectures, individual design time, and group feedback sessions.

Sketching papers and pens will be provided. Please bring a Mac laptop as the workshop will be conducted on Glyphs which runs on Mac only.

In the spirit of how lectures are taught at Cambridge, student typically need to read and prepare ahead of every lecture and seminar. While this workshop is not affiliated with the university per se, it is still good to get into the spirit of academic excellence, and to prepare for the workshop as much as you reasonably can. I will provide a mix of readings and videos to watch that would hopefully help you make the most of the 4 days we have together. If your schedule doesn’t allow, don’t worry as there will be lots of time to catch up once you get there.

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